Benefit Advisors Group
Headquartered in Washington, DC with satellite offices in Boston, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico, Benefit Advisors Group represents public sector clients throughout the United States. Benefit Advisors Group created and developed the CEA Benefits Program for the County Executives of America Association. The CEA Benefits Program offers CEA Member Employers solutions to reduce benefits costs, assist employees to understand their employer benefits and make better decisions for themselves and their families.
What we will do: We’ll review claims data and introduce medical plan analysis and audit to substantially reduce Members’ medical plan expense. This will include the implementation of a new Medication Under Management program that will reduce prescription drug cost spend substantially.
With this information, we develop plans that introduce non-disruptive, cost mitigation solutions allowing our clients to re-purpose funds to areas that will have greater impact on employee health and wealth objectives. Our approach leverages our extensive experience and professionalism to every case in order to provide CEA Members with a customized plan on how to reduce benefit and insurance costs while reducing risk.
Our employee benefits strategists have provided public employer benefit plan solutions over 40 years. Benefit Advisors Group brings best in breed approaches by partnering with nationally known providers that are on the pulse of modern technology and cost reduction solutions. This approach will inform you of all the areas where improvements can be made in your employee benefits programs and how to execute. You choose the timeline that makes the most sense to achieve substantial cost reductions in your employee benefits program.
Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire how to start this process and begin realizing substantial savings on benefits as are other CEA Members. AND remember…there is no cost to CEA Members for Benefit Advisors Group services and that of the providers we’ll introduce.
1100 H Street N.W., Suite 910.
Washington, DC 20005
1-(877) 716-7439
Areas of Practice
§ On average, 1%-2% of employees on your medical plan use specialty drugs, which make up 39% of your plan’s prescription drug expense and will increase to 44%-50% in 2019.
§ MUM will save 40% to 50% on average off of the specialty drug spend.
§ Employees using the program for specialty drugs will receive their drugs for NO COPAY AND NO COINSURANCE.
§ HOW? Through a Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Prescription Plan sponsored by the US Government.
§ Use advanced Medical Plan analytics to create robust optimization strategies to substantially reduce cost
§ Leverage leading edge technologies to describe clear and concise findings to leadership
§ Predict future healthcare spend by each employee rather than using traditional actuarial methods
§ Optimize your plan designs and achieve the best outcomes for you and your benefit members
benefits communication
§ Never a direct cost to CEA Members
§ Clear presentation of all benefit information delivered directly to the employee
§ Alleviate the administrative burden of managing enrollment while ensuring that your employees make the best decisions about their rewards programs
§ Rely on consistent communication regardless of your employee’s location, shift or enrollment method
Dependent VERIFICATION services
§ On average, 5%-7% of dependents on your current benefit programs are ineligible and can represent up to 70% of your organization’s healthcare costs
§ Organizations that conduct dependent audits generate a $5,740,000 savings for a 2,000 Eligible employee group
§ Demonstrates fiduciary responsibility and reduces compliance risk
§ Provides fair treatment for all employees
Get in Touch.
Use the form below to contact us. Please provide a short description in the "How We Can Help" section to describe your biggest challenges. Upon submittal, we will reply back within 24 hours.